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Last played Escape Tour was in Hoorn

Escape Tours package deal

You as an experienced Escape Tourist naturally want to explore many more cities. This is now possible with a discount! This way you always have a fun outing in prospect!


different cities

Only €19.66 per game

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Most chosen


different cities

Only €15.80 per game

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different cities

Only €12.38 per game

Buy Now

How does it work?

1. Choose and purchase a package deal.
2. Create an account or log in.
3. Within your account, choose a city you have not yet played.
4. Play the Escape Tour, check your ranking and then choose your next city.

Limited time offer

To celebrate the new package deal, you may temporarily give an Escape Tour to a friend, neighbor or that one favorite aunt when you buy a package deal. Who will it be?
Escape Tour package deal
Escape Tour package deal
Escape Tour package deal
Escape Tour package deal
Escape Tour package deal


More reviews
"Nice! Now we can play twice as many Escape Tours for the same price."
"Because of the package deal, we can now play an Escape Tour almost every weekend somewhere else with a huge discount!"
"Top for the truly fanatical players!"
"Nice! Now we can play twice as many Escape Tours for the same price."
"Because of the package deal, we can now play an Escape Tour almost every weekend somewhere else with a huge discount!"

Frequently asked questions

  • I want to play Escape Tour with multiple teams with my package deal, is that possible?

    No, the package deal is valid for one team per city. However, it is possible to purchase additional team tickets in the reservation you make.

  • What will I find in my account?

    In your own account you can see all the cities you have booked in the past with your email address. All statistics, photos taken and your place in the world ranking can be seen here. You can also find your credit here and book your next Escape Tour .

  • How long is a package deal valid?

    A package deal is valid for 2 years. Within these 2 years, all tickets must have been used. Not used all? Then these tickets will expire.

  • Can the package deal be redeemed at once?

    No, that is not possible. After purchasing the package deal, you choose a city to play. Only after you have played the Escape Tour in this city you will be able to choose another city.

Did you already get a package deal?

Then you also already have your own account. Log in, view your statistics and book your next Escape Tour!
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