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Last played Escape Tour was in Hoorn

Are you with a large group?

Do you have colleagues, students or family members who do love a cryptic game with a touch of culture? Play the Escape Tour with your group! Is your group larger than 20 people and do you want an original outing? Then fill out the request form and you will receive a quote in your mailbox within 24 hours.

What are the benefits of a group application:

- Mutual rankings between your teams.
- Receives by mail afterwards the results of all teams.
- Play time is up to 2 hours and game stops automatically so your timetable will not be confused.
- Teams are automatically distributed at the start.
- Suitable for up to 900 people in one day.
- It is possible in all cities where an Escapetours is located.
- Multiple languages possible.

Payment possible by invoice

Playing this week is possible

Quote within 24 hours

Free hospitality advice

You may want to know where the Escape Tours ends so that you can find a nearby hospitality venue to finish the day there with snacks and drinks. Please indicate this in the request form. Of course, you will not receive the exact secret exit from us.... because it will remain a secret, even for the time being for you.

Escape Tour
Escape Tour
Escape Tour
Escape Tour
Escape Tour
Escape Tour
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