Last played Escape Tour was in Rome

Ranking Escape Tour Nancy (English)

Our one and only Wall of Fame. Did you and your team set a fast time? Check out this ranking to see if you set the fastest time of the month or even made it into the top 10 of all time!

Record time: Les pupses d'Hanovre

Les pupses d'Hanovre

Record Time: Wandelts


Special Entries

Record Time: Wandelts

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About Escape Tour nancy

Nancy, 1763. Artist Pierre-François Hugues d'Hancarville makes tons of money forging classical works. His imitations are so good, they are almost indistinguishable from the real thing. Almost... Unfortunately, an art expert has found out about his scam. One of Pierre's regular customers, Prince Louis of Mecklenburg, is furious and sends his men to Nancy to arrest Pierre.

Pierre walks unsuspectingly toward the post office with a forgery under his arm. For a moment he feels safe, until someone tells him he has been exposed. The charlatan has to get away! Louche characters sometimes talked about a secret exit to smuggle art in and out of the city. This is his chance to escape Prince Louis' soldiers! Pierre has no time to waste and quickly sets out to find the location.

Escape the city

This is where the Escape Tour starts. Complete the tasks in this unique city game and follow the right clues to find Nancy's secret exit. Will your team set the fastest time? Then you will immortalize yourselves on the Wall of Fame! The search starts at the former post office (Administration des postes et des telegraphes), good luck!