Last booked Escape Tour is in Bremen

Ranking Escape Tour Düsseldorf (Deutsch)

Our one and only Wall of Fame. Did you and your team set a fast time? Check out this ranking to see if you set the fastest time of the month or even made it into the top 10 of all time!

Record Time: Lana


Record time: WC50m


Record time: Die gloreichen drei...

Die gloreichen drei...

Record time: 4 Schrödis

4: 4 Schrödis

Record time: those four Biere

5: those four Biere

Record Time: Schneehasen

6: Schneehasen

Record time: Dussel

7: Dussel

Record Time: Pizzalover

8: Pizzalover

Record Time: Cristina

9: Cristina

Record time: Hoppeditz Helferlein

10: Hoppeditz Helferlein

Record time: Abap-Profis

11: Abap-Profis

Record time: Holländische Krawatten

12: Holländische Krawatten

Record time: Geschlieffener Reed

13: Geschlieffener Reed

Record time: seian

14: seian

Record Time: Die unkreativen Prob...

15: Die unkreativen Prob...

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Special Entries

Record Time: Die unkreativen Prob...

Most questions correct
Holmes & Watson

Record Time: Die unkreativen Prob...

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Geschlieffener Riet

About Escape Tour dusseldorf

Meet the richest beer magnate and inventor of Altbier. His name is Hoppeditz and his stature is great in Düsseldorf. With the Escape Tour Düsseldorf you will go back in time, to the year 1825. This is the year where Hoppeditz's successful life took a turn. After all, he had to flee from the mayor and his wife!

Hoppeditz liked to fool around with the wives of influential people in the city. But this time he had really gone too far. The mayor was furious and quickly summoned an army of police officers and opened the hunt for Hoppeditz. So he was forced to find the secret exit from Düsseldorf within two hours!

Escape the city

You are going to help Hoppeditz find the secret exit. By answering various questions, solving riddles and deciphering clues you will be able to find the exit of this city game. And while you are doing this you will also visit the best places in Düsseldorf! To have a chance to win a place on our Wall of Fame, you have to find the exit within two hours. The search starts at the Maritime Museum, good luck!