Last played Escape Tour was in Sneek

Ranking Escape Tour Delft

Our one and only Wall of Fame. Did you and your team set a fast time? Check out this ranking to see if you set the fastest time of the month or even made it into the top 10 of all time!

Record time: Wytske's birthday

wytske's birthday

Record time: Emma and Gijs

Emma and Gus

Record time: MINTY


Record time: Mrien

4: Mrien

Record time: male fries

5: male fries

Record time: LBSwinners

6: LBSwinners

Record time: Soluconi

7: Soluconi

Record time: playhouse

8: playhouse

Record time: the Men of Puttershoek

9: the Men of Puttershoek

Record Time: Watc

10: Watc

Record time: WillemWinnen

11: WillemWinnen

Record time: Team 7

12: Team 7

Record Time: Rwtt

13: Rwtt

Record time: Delft Blue Basin

14: Delft Blue Basin

Record time: ANWB12345

15: ANWB12345

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Special Entries

Record time: ANWB12345

Most questions correct

Record time: ANWB12345

Fastest of the month
Willem van Snoofranje

About Escape Tour delft

William of Orange, Father of the Netherlands, made a switch in faith from Catholic to Protestant in 1584. Balthazar was extremely angry and disappointed, so he decided to travel to Delft. The residence of William of Orange. He had to and would come to see him!

Balthazar devised a plan to get near the well-guarded William of Orange. And yes, Balthazar succeeded and almost immediately started a fierce argument with him. The discussion got so out of hand that Balthazar did something terrible. He had to flee quickly before anyone would find out. His only way out was the secret exit from Delft!

Escape the city

With the Escape Tour Delft you follow in the footsteps of hothead Balthazar. On the basis of our app you wander along the best places in Delft. Looking for assignments, riddles and clues. Do you do well and find the exit within 2 hours? Then you deserve a spot on the Wall of Fame! The citygame starts at the Prinsenhof, good luck!