Last played Escape Tour was in Zierikzee

Ranking Escape Tour Bremen

Our one and only Wall of Fame. Did you and your team set a fast time? Check out this ranking to see if you set the fastest time of the month or maybe even made it into the top 10 of all time! even made it into the top 10 of all time!

All-time rankings

Kaiser und König
Die fanatischen 3
Team Jung
Die kampf-Krebse
Die 2 lustigen 3
der Rest
Lecker Bierchen
The unholy Bishops
Kristina & Jule
20. Atombombe 01:03:17
21. Team Sascha 01:03:19
22. Trio 01:03:27
23. Gertrude’s Silberfische 01:03:43
24. Die goldenen LeLaLe‘s 01:03:47
25. 420 01:04:03
26. Mema&Nele 01:04:10
27. ProxYohno 01:04:48
28. Fanta 4 01:04:55
29. Timon & Pumba 01:05:20
30. Pink AVA 01:05:34
31. Wir sind es 01:05:54
32. Team Magenta 01:06:08
33. ReiMow 01:06:39
34. Deali 01:07:09
35. TK(K)G 01:07:12
36. Dume Kiner 01:07:56
37. Die dreisten Drei 01:08:04
38. Hundehütte 01:08:32
39. PAAAR Bier vor 4 01:08:34
40. Freddy Mercury 01:08:36
41. Sherlock 01:08:43
42. Jens 01:08:58
43. Kim Possible 01:08:58
44. team sanne 01:09:21
45. Van Doorn 01:09:30
46. Team 01:09:54
47. #teamwesternsauce 01:09:55
48. Plattfische 01:10:30
49. Das Gewinner-Team 01:10:37
50. Kreischende Möwen 01:10:49
51. Wetjen 01:11:06
52. Motte 01:11:14
53. Gnubbliteam 01:11:39
54. Mahndorfer Rüben 01:11:47
55. Team Doppel D 01:11:49
56. Schnullibullis 01:12:23
57. Die drei Djedective 01:13:29
58. Der vüt 01:13:37
59. CarinaMelanie 01:13:43
60. SGW09 01:13:43
61. Klammt 01:13:48
62. Der Inner Circle 01:13:58
63. Buntes Schnitzel 01:14:10
64. Freter 01:14:12
65. Franja 01:14:15
66. Bronri 01:14:27
67. FZJ 01:14:46
68. Heide Grewe 01:14:53
69. Limes 01:15:01
70. Wir 01:15:13
71. Symbola 01:15:14
72. 70-Girlys 01:15:26
73. TEAM Scheisse 01:15:33
74. Die Weiners 01:15:35
75. Elefantis 01:15:45
76. Karasuno 01:15:45
77. Die 2 Fragezeichen 01:15:52
78. Schnelle Tackis 01:15:55
79. Wirvier 01:16:03
80. Alexanders Hundi-Freunde 01:16:04
81. Team 0815 01:16:47
82. Team Freilos 01:16:52
83. Franziska 01:17:14
84. Erdbeererdbeben 01:17:34
85. Die Zweifachen 01:17:53
86. mars 01:17:57
87. Möwius 01:18:08
88. Bremen fun 01:18:24
89. Die Raketen 01:18:39
90. Taxscape 01:18:40
91. KM 01:18:46
92. SaMa 01:18:54
93. Kanrik 01:19:21
94. Sarahs B-Day-Party 01:19:56
95. Die Clique 01:20:03
96. PaFTe 01:20:08
97. Mord² 01:20:11
98. T1 01:20:18
99. Winkelmänner 01:20:21
100. Lipa‘s Friends 01:20:24
101. Die Magdedorfer 01:20:32
102. John 01:20:38
103. CaJo 01:20:59
104. Schnoorgräfinnen 01:21:02
105. Trinkerbells 01:21:16
106. Switala on Tour 01:21:18
107. Niemals ihne Alkohol 01:22:03
108. Salzkotties 01:22:09
109. AFE 01:22:09
110. Die fliegenden Langwedeler 01:22:31
111. Die schwulen 01:22:44
112. MaBeDa 01:23:19
113. Schiefis 01:23:45
114. Anna10 01:23:51
115. Snickers 01:23:53
116. Juan 01:24:11
117. Die Eisvögel-Hacker 01:24:24
118. The inner circle 01:24:30
119. HALK 01:24:33
120. Das Fröhliche Quattro X 01:24:38
121. Labskoks 01:25:21
122. Die Drama Lamas 01:25:55
123. Die Oetmanns 01:26:06
124. Wesen 01:26:37
125. Die Mehlwurmörners 01:26:43
126. Die Unkreativen 01:27:05
127. Milky Way 01:27:06
128. SPC 01:27:38
129. Tonys Tanzmusikanten 01:28:04
130. Breakfast Club 01:28:12
131. TeamPowerGepard 01:28:23
132. weiberstammtisch 1 01:28:44
133. Männerz 01:28:49
134. Baby Borns 01:28:50
135. Teletubbies 01:29:11
136. LARF 01:29:20
137. München4 01:29:49
138. Balfies 01:30:12
139. Strabeck 01:30:36
140. Die Bochtans 01:30:38
141. Schmuddi 5.0 01:30:49
142. Hibbelhab 01:31:10
143. Raya 01:31:14
144. Mayes Teetisch 01:31:23
145. Roadtrippers 01:31:26
146. 42 01:31:28
147. TheBE 01:31:32
148. Gruppe Rosa 01:31:37
149. Hot 01:32:00
150. Abschrott 01:32:01
151. Die Kinderfreien 01:32:06
152. Team90er 01:32:10
153. T wie Toll 01:32:10
154. Die Hu/Laus 01:32:14
155. Die 2 halben Gehirne 01:32:26
156. TTC 01:32:37
157. Team Rochen 01:32:42
158. The Heap 01:32:57
159. Team Schwarme 01:33:00
160. Biet Pürster 01:33:11
161. Kuhlmann 01:33:12
162. Team G-Town 01:33:58
163. Team Schiff-Touris 01:34:22
164. Christmette 01:34:35
165. GaIn FaTe 01:34:42
166. Pepe 01:35:05
167. Team K 01:35:25
168. 3 Engel für Paul 01:35:27
169. Springe Girls 01:35:32
170. Kluender 01:36:08
171. Walkladies 01:36:31
172. Die Weißenburger 01:37:00
173. Chicos 01:37:04
174. Spatenfranz 01:37:53
175. Paulex 01:37:57
176. Schyggis 01:38:18
177. Frauenpower 01:38:24
178. Javicija 01:38:50
179. Bremerstadt-musikanten 01:39:03
180. KleinKleinow 01:39:07
181. Wildberry Lillet 01:39:21
182. Team Supertruper 01:39:36
183. MIOT 01:39:42
184. LausanneMacherMann 01:40:06
185. Roldenburg 01:40:12
186. benther Café 01:40:25
187. just4fun 01:40:29
188. Die Mädels 01:40:48
189. Fischstäbchen 01:41:34
190. Hühnerstall 01:42:03
191. TEMM 01:42:31
192. jus ohne J 01:42:50
193. Jinn 01:42:54
194. Klembrecht 01:43:07
195. Geile Gang 01:43:11
196. Schnapsi‘s 01:44:03
197. Familie Gruß 01:44:12
198. Die Döspaddel 01:45:30
199. BFS 01:46:18
200. Team NRW 01:46:35
201. Team Schneider 01:46:35
202. die 4 Lupen 01:47:03
203. Simbar 01:47:14
204. einhornkaka 01:47:53
205. Room 521 01:47:53
206. Wilde Hühner 01:48:03
207. MaCa 01:48:04
208. Krümelcrew 01:48:25
209. The Souther‘s 01:48:54
210. Die 4 Menschen 01:48:55
211. rallaballa60 01:48:57
212. Fischbande 01:49:24
213. Only good vibes 01:49:41
214. Struckis 01:49:58
215. The Team of Gods 01:50:00
216. 4 für Henri 01:50:41
217. W-Team 01:50:58
218. icke 01:52:44
219. Renés Schergen 01:54:22
220. Rene‘s Schergen 01:54:29
221. brenners 01:54:30
222. Die verpeilten 01:54:49
223. NFL 01:54:53
224. SV Ebby 01:55:07
225. Die coolen Studies 01:56:19
226. Team OB - in der Regel voll! 01:57:34
227. GoForOtto 01:57:55
228. Lachnaden 2.0 01:58:29
229. Team 4.11 01:58:31
230. Top 4 01:58:47
231. Die neun Eulen 02:01:13
232. Die Drei Chaoten Hasen 02:02:30
233. Gruppe Schlecht 02:03:59
234. Wal of Fame 02:04:06
235. Zorns litten helpers 02:04:07
236. WhiteLakeCityGang 02:04:46
237. 5Ohas 02:06:07
238. MaiSoSwa 02:07:13
239. 9Uhr 02:07:25
240. ???? 02:09:14
241. Die Peros 02:10:06
242. Kraft 02:12:51
243. Baars 02:14:50
244. bewojahner1 02:14:52
245. JC 02:14:57
246. Bewojahner 02:15:17
247. Mucki 02:15:22
248. Spürnasen 02:16:46
249. Börners 02:18:05
250. Love Birds 02:18:52
251. LYG 02:19:52
252. Butzentouris 02:20:44
253. Selbsthilfegruppe 02:21:15
254. LuJaNiKa 02:23:12
255. Zumbrunn 02:24:51
256. Mönchen 02:25:53
257. FamilyTeam 02:26:01
258. Bremen 02:26:25
259. Perot-Team 02:27:19
260. Due bekloppten zwei 02:31:49
261. Silberhochzeit 02:35:04
262. Elamio 02:35:30
263. Stuber 02:36:56
264. Team Synthesisers 02:39:55
265. Fahrradfahrerinnen 02:41:57
266. Der echte Norden 02:42:26
267. EMAA 02:44:21
268. Ines JGA 2 02:44:24
269. Heiki2 02:44:24
270. Die Coolen 02:45:17
271. TMMG 02:47:39
272. TaKiJu 02:53:19
273. Die vier ???? 02:53:24
274. KarRuMo 02:56:05
275. The Heros 02:57:38
276. Klübchen 02:58:17
277. die drei !!! 03:30:41
278. MaNi 03:46:14
279. fering hopeltutser 03:55:50
280. LAREJA 04:00:00
281. Blaschis 04:00:00
282. Girls just wanna have fun 04:00:00
283. Team Piupiu 04:00:00
284. Kamieth 04:00:00
285. Coyotentruppen 04:00:00
286. Team 1 04:00:00
287. DreamBee 04:00:00
288. Alle Neune 04:00:00
289. Haaland 04:00:00
290. Die Gi(e)raffen 04:00:00
291. CTB 04:00:00
292. Vdws 04:00:00
293. Die drei Skipperfrauen 04:00:00
294. Frauentoir 04:00:00
295. Schneeglanz 04:00:00
296. Die Wismarer Steuerhinterzi... 04:00:00
297. Die fantastischen Vier 04:00:00
298. die 4 jixxer 04:00:00
299. Hobbylose Socken 04:00:00
300. Ines JGA 1 04:00:00
301. Die kleprigen Banditen 04:00:00
302. Jelp 04:00:00
303. Die Schöppinger 04:00:00
304. EmiLar 04:00:00
305. Gliddergirlz 04:00:00
306. De Danske Piger 04:00:00
307. Henry 04:00:00
308. Eichhörnchen 04:00:00
309. Imfn 04:00:00
310. MelEl 04:00:00
311. MACA2 04:00:00
312. Bremer Stadtmusikanten 04:00:00
313. Albo Gruppe 04:00:00
314. Schulz 04:00:00
315. Glittergirls 04:00:00
316. Die coolste Gang ufe0f 04:00:00
317. Die Altenoyther 04:00:00
318. Hoppes Bitches 04:00:00
319. Komplett 04:00:00
320. Popf 04:00:00
321. Team Klarer 04:00:00
322. Stadtmusikanten 04:00:00
323. Oldies 04:00:00
324. orgelpfeiffen 04:00:00
325. Alarm für Krombacher 11 04:00:00
326. BO denlos 04:00:00
327. Affenbande 04:00:00
328. ling 04:00:00
329. Koksi 04:00:00
330. Die Coolen aus Wismar 04:00:00
331. Lennep 04:00:00
332. Lululemons 04:00:00
333. Team Arsten 04:00:00
334. Winners 04:00:00
335. Die Maybachputzer 04:00:00
336. Die Jauxis! 04:00:00
337. Die hungrigen Ungarn 04:00:00
338. Prinz 04:00:00
339. Polako 04:00:00
340. Terbrackies 04:00:00
341. Die Kürbisse 04:00:00
Special entries

Most questions correct
36 questions correct
Niemals ihne Alkohol
Fastest of the month
Niemals ihne Alkohol

About Escape Tour Bremen Deutsch

The Escape Tour Bremen takes you back in time to the year 1967. The dock worker Henri Hofmann works in Bremen. There he checks the ships and their cargo. While checking, he occasionally steals some alcohol from the containers and sells it to the city's cafes.-----
But a new market is emerging. His best friend René has contacts in Colombia and is now smuggling something much more valuable than alcohol: cocaine. Of course he wanted to help! Things are going well for the friends until a shipment of coke disappears. The men get into a fight and Henri has to go on the run. He had to find the secret exit of Bremen!

Escape the city

Like Henri, you have only 2 hours left. It is crucial that you find the secret exit! Answer all the questions, solve the riddles and keep your eyes open. During your quest in this city game you will pass by the best places in Bremen, and will you set the best time? Then you will earn your place on the Wall of Fame! The adventure starts at Kaffeemühle, good luck!